Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Take 84

Another book that I read this week was The Shadow Effect. It is a book about the presumably destructive forces of our psyche which argues we all have a dark side we should learn to deal with through love and forgiveness. I don't know about that. It seems to me that people who do bad things are not victims of their shadow but merely give in to their natural impulses. Then there is the eternal debate between sides: some argue that there are good and evil people and we are eventually drawn to people who resemble our native nature, others argue that good and evil inhabit each of us and that contrast is what makes the Universe go round. Then there is the debate between the projection side and the thinslices side. We just don't seem to be able to agree, do we? I don't believe in the shadow. There, I've said it. Some people should not be excused but merely made to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. The book just seemed like brainwashing and holy moly indoctrination to me. Not to mention the preposterous idea that you should not keep secrets as this strengthens your shadow. Sure. Willingly bring yourself to the gallows.

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